Monday, November 5, 2007

We're in LA

Today we arrived in LA. How tidy, a good 2 hours before we left Melbourne he he. Unlike NY, LA people seem to recognise that we are from Australia, not England. If you viewed NY through the same eyes I did, it's not actually cool to come from England, so I guess we got over that one for now.

Seems when we left NY last time, that our departure was not recorded, so we now have to jump through a few hoops and prove that we left the USA back in December of 2005. A small hassle, but one we'll manage with.

the flight was relatively uneventful and we managed to sleep. Getting by with a little help from our 'friends' he he. Good times. Also got a kick ass exit seat. United has come a long way in the 3 years since I last flew with them. Also managed to get all my tubes of bepanthen and bags of Apricot Delight into the country. Chelsea and Tyler are in for a treat!!!

The flight attendants were generally friendly, though this one guy did say garbage (gar-baje) dunno if that helps, but it was pretty ridiculous and even the campest of dudes could realise that that was a truly lame thing to say.

Not sure how much we're gonna like LA though. We took a stroll down Melrose today and found some cool stores, and will definitely get back there for more shopping, but I'm not too sure how the town will fare post mortem.

The hotel is pretty cool, but old school for sure. Well a little from column A and a little from column B. Kinda reminds me of where the Karate Kid moves with his mom, but a little flasher.

The weather is awesome... about 24 degrees and clear. Smoggy, but as clear as you expect this city to be. It's hard to get any central sort of perspective on the place, but I am sure that will come with time. We have an idea where the Hollywood sign in, but we haven't seen it yet. The direction is obvious though he he.

We had lunch at this cool little rock n roll kinda 50's styled diner which was grand. No doubt we'll be eating there again. Seems Australia is the only place in the world where you can't find a cafe or something that plays cool music.

Michelle picked up a copy of Hollywood Babylon... the original Kenneth Anger expose. We're probably gonna go to see the sites of the Manson murders and maybe Death Valley, but we're not 100% sure at this time.

So now, we're just haning out. No signs of jetlag yet, though it's only 4PM LA time, so I guess the worst is yet to come.

More soon.


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