Saturday, November 10, 2007

Rodeo Drive...

Yeah, we went to Rodeo Drive. It wasn't really that exciting either. No celebrities, no stores you'd bother going into and basically a pretty sterile environment. It made me feel sad for the people wealthy enough to frequent that strip. How unbelievably boring an array of offerings. Sucked in richies he he.

So we didn't spend too much time there and decided to eat lunch at another Vegan Restaurant down from our hotel. I forget what it was called but it was really really good! You couldn't complain about lack of Vegan eating establishments here in LA, they are not only bountiful but very very good.

Earlier, we thought we'd go up to Hollywood do get a few trinkets etc to commemorate our trip. Caught the bus... always an interesting experience here in LA...

But when we got off the bus, who do you think we'd meet? The stormtrooper let me hold his gun and I made Darth Vader do the pineapple. He was all about the point, but you can only tell Luke Skywalker that you're his father so many times yeah?

This pic is all about understanding the power of the dark side of the force, though the stormtrooper here looks more like he's posing in a metal band or something... I look bad assed he he and that's all that matters. They had the laser blaster set to safety, and I couldn't work it out during the time Michelle took this pic, so...

We stopped in to get a few shots with the Hollywood sign. You can see it in the distance. We never got too close to it unfortunately, and I dunno if you can. We were debating today the plausibility of Hollywoodland Realty removing the 'land' part of the sign when they sold the land off, or whether a mudslide did in face decimate the 'land' section, leaving Hollywoodland Realty with a edited company brand. Naturally the mudslide is far more exciting a proposition, so that's what we are sticking with he he he.
Tonite, we are going to visit our fave diner... it also happens to be the only place we don't need to get a taxi to and have something low key for dinner. We've been living it up a little, and yeah, sometimes you gotta slow the train down.

To leave you all, here's a nice pic of me by the pool.

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