Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Gabba Gabba Hey!

We decided to blow off Universal studios till Thursday and that was a good plan considering we didn't get up till almost 11AM again. Much to do with the fact we didn't get to sleep till around 3AM. This is not unbearable jetlag I have to say... it more or less confines us within the sleeping patterns expected of honeymooners he he.

We went to the Hollywood Forever cemetery today and this was a truly amazing place. Has to be the most illustrious cemetery every created. Of course there are loads of celebs there, most of who we had never heard of, but with some of the most elaborate graves, overwhelming mausoleum and the vaguest view of the Hollywood sign, it left little to be desired.

Johnny and Dee Dee Ramone are both buried here and as you can see from the pix, Johnny's grave site was a little easier to locate than Dee Dee's. I didn't want to have my pic taken with Johnny, but Dee Dee was A OK in my book. How can you love the Ramones and not think Dee Dee was all that?

While looking for Jayne Mansfield's grave site (she's not actually buried here, despite having a plot) I was attacked by this swan styled creature. Pretty funny, and not overly dangerous, I'd go head to head with this creature and it's kin before trawling some of the streets of LA he he.

We did find Jayne Mansfield's grave however. My 'Do What Thou Will' tattoo at its most fitting.

We went for a stroll down the walk of fame thingo and found KISS. Good photo opp for sure and interestingly, one of the first. Dunno where they started, but when you hit Hollywood from La Brea, this is what you'll see.

Outside Grauman's again... here's the footprints of C3P0, Darth Vader and R2D2 plus their autographs (David Prouse did the DV for sure). Some lame kid was standing on it saying that it was Princess Leia's autograph, but that kid was a total lamer. Almost as lame as the tour guide guy who called her princess Leila he he.

And here's a nice pic of Linda Blair as Regan in the Exorcist. The powers of christ compelled us to take this photo! Check Michelle's serious gaze... eerie...

We went to see the Hives, but it was sold out. Fool me for not being more organised. We went from there to the Viper Room which didn't seem to be open, and on to The Rainbow. Bit of a beer barn tip... Good drinks however...

We have four days remaining here in LA and we both can't wait to get to Vegas. I really don't think we 'get' this town. We went past High Voltage Tattoo today, but they were filming there and we didn't get a chance to check it out. Maybe another day... Universal Studios tomorrow. That should be kick asssssss.......

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