Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Central Park experience

Like many fine New Yorkers, Sunday starts at Central Park. Though it sounds massive, you can actually walk around a lot of it in a reasonably short amount of time. Not to suggest that is a perk, only that it was a surprise to me.

We kicked off our visit with a horse and carriage ride which was cool. a good way to preview everything. Some very helpful tour guides hooked us up with a map and we found this hundred year old carousel the outdoor ice skating rink, the zoo in the park and of course Strawberry Fields which is across from where John Lennon was murdered. There is a memorial styled thing there and though it's a little difficult to find initially, it quickly becomes obvious as to where it is located.

Michelle got to feed a goat which was pretty funny, and though it was a pretty low key kinda zoo, it had some kick ass monkeys. Particularly this weird window licker styled monkey which reminded us of Norman. He likes licking windows etc he he.

We finished up with lunch at our new fave restaurant on 8th St and I got myself a KILLER Adam and the Ants t-shirt. Expect the unexpected!!!

We're planning to go to the Guggenheim tomorrow with a trip to Washington on Tuesday, so that's gonna be grand.

More soon.


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