Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Turkey Day

So today is Turkey Day. Known more commonly as Thanksgiving, Michelle and I were planning to go to the Macy's parade, but after a late night last night, we decided to experience the parade on the TV instead. And boy are we glad not to have gone to the parade. 3 million people congregated in Times Square and the parade was quite very gay.

We started the day with lunch at our new fave dining place - Pax. Sounds like a disease it's true, but a really fine fresh food dining experience. Good for any meal of the day too. Look out for it next time you're in NYC.

Skipping back to last night, we met up with our Parisian pal Gaetan, who I have not seen for close to 5 years. He hasn't changed too much and it was really cool to catch up with him. We had dinner for the third time at our restaurant on 8th st and once again, managed to get in some shopping. Picked up a CBGB's tee for Norman and a cool bib for Melinda's forthcoming baby. Good times.

After a few beers, and a great dinner, we headed over to Times Square to check out Gaetan's appt. He dished up some quite revolting French liquer type stuff (Anisi - which sounds suspiciously like anus) while we chatted with his photographer flat mate and from there we hit Rudy's bar for some truly toxic drinks. It sounds like a great idea being served overwhelmingly alcoholic drinks, but in truth, it's not so good. they just splash liquor into a glass and colour it with some soda. Even on the rocks, it still tastes like metho, and well I don't roll like that he he. After diluting it with lots of coke, we went off to the Virgn Megastore to get the Seinfeld DVD Box Set (wowser!) and inspired Gaetan to check out Circa Survive. I found the new DHG album, and well life doesn't get much sweeter. We came home and watched TV till 3am he he.

Gaetan is working for a French firm based here in NY and his office building is on 57th and 5th and faces over the park. You want to see this view. Unbelievable!!! We met him on 42nd st and he was kind enough to take us up to his building to view the park from something like the 38th floor. Spectacular!!!

We have bought so much stuff while here we needed to buy another suitcase. We're trying to curb our purchases because if we stay on this rate of buying, we'll need yet another case. And that's assuming we can fit everything we have into 3.5 suitcases + backpacks we have. After we parted ways with Gaetan we got ourselves a slice from a truly necro pizza store (though the slice was fine!) and picked up a new suitcase. After a trip down to chinatown, we worked out way back to Times Square for dinner. what luck! We found another Pax. Ate another slice for dinner and from there, we took a night time view from the Empire State building. Though by day it was around 63 degrees today (almost t-shirt weather) at 8pm up on the 86th floor, it was about 50 below and blowing a gale! We couldn't stay too long... would have definitely frozen to death!

We finished the night with a deluxe Pax Pumpkin styled cookie and watched 12 seconds of the Jets vs the Cowboys game. We're integrated into the US way of life for sure he he he.

Tomorrow we plan to get up and at 'em by 10am and we're hell keen to hit the market at Union Square. It hasn't been open yet and tomorrow is the first day. We may remember it as being better than what it was, but time reveals all. Also on the cards is a trip to the Magnolia cake store for a Sex In The City acclaimed cake and hopefully we'll go and see Xanadu on Broadway. Pretty pumped for that. There is also maybe a chance that we could go to a Cabaret show, though not 1000% as to whether that's on this Friday...

Till we return.

J & M

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