Wednesday, October 31, 2007

So much can happen in 24 hours

When we parted ways yesterday, Michelle and I were getting set to check out the venue in which we'll be married - Labassa in Caulfield. As you can see, it looks awesome from outside, but nothing would prepare us for how amazing it was inside. Unfortunately you can't take photos inside the building, but you'll have to take our word for it. It's not the cemetery we originally intended to be married at, but the cemetery isn't this place either, so we pretty much won either way we went about it.

Been getting some cool and crazy wedding presents. Our friends Daniel and Mel are working in the UK at the moment, and unfortunately, they could not get back here to be a part of our wedding, but they did send us this... the ultimate accessory for people who think black is the only practical colour for pretty much anything.

If you can't ascertain what this is, it's toilet paper. Yep, 3 rolls of deluxe, black, in a fancy tube, toilet paper. And you thought you'd see it all!

And then, this came from our friend Karey who resides up in Lismore, NSW. A courier dropped around this massive box which was quite heavy and extremely well packed. After wading through some paper, bubbles and cardboard, we discovered that Karey and his fiance Claire had sent us this. Karey said that he knew we'd be celebrating, and it looks like we will for the next 3 years. Pls note, the sunglasses are there to illustrate just how big this bad boy is! They are not actually a feature of the bottle...

As it was halloween yesterday (this blog is on US time he he) we decided it would be fun to make a small to do about it and prepare some artifacts for the young ghouls that came a knocking upon our door.

There weren't loads of them, but there was enough to keep us amused. We gave out lollie fingers, ears and some other body parts and yeah, it was cool to see some of the youths had gone to a degree of trouble for the occasion.

We set up some webs, a pumpkin cut out for the door and I got the smoke machine rocking. Unfortunately that really just filled the house with smoke and spooked Norman our cat, but it was pretty funny just the same. We will up the ante for sure next year!!!

We rocked the Misfits for about 4 hours which is always fine Halloween music.

Here's what the front door looked like when the smoke was really blowing!

Today we had some chores to take care of. I had to get a belt... stupid suit pants with their tiny little belt loops and some other stuff while Michelle went for a manicure and massage.

When we returned, we finished making our cup cakes for the wedding. These are modeled on those featured in Sex and The City and they taste amazing.

Have a look:

And the best for last. Norman eating his cake.

So tomorrow is our wedding day. May get off an entry written before I depart... time will reveal all.



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